Powering ZenithFlow with Cloudron: A Full-Stack of Open-Source Tools to Supercharge Your Business

In this blog post, we will explore how Cloudron empowers ZenithFlow to deliver top-notch services to our clients and give you a glimpse into the incredible tools we use, including Baserow, n8n, Ghost, Nextcloud, and Umami.

Powering ZenithFlow with Cloudron: A Full-Stack of Open-Source Tools to Supercharge Your Business
Cloudron enables ZenithFlow to supercharge our workflows

At ZenithFlow, we are committed to providing our clients with the most efficient, reliable, and powerful workflow automation solutions. To achieve this, we rely on Cloudron – a platform that enables us to seamlessly run and manage a full-stack of open-source tools. In this blog post, we will explore how Cloudron empowers ZenithFlow to deliver top-notch services to our clients and give you a glimpse into the incredible tools we use, including Baserow, n8n, Ghost, Nextcloud, and Umami.

The Power of Cloudron

Cloudron is a platform that simplifies the deployment and management of open-source applications. With its user-friendly interface and robust infrastructure, Cloudron allows us to effortlessly install, configure, and maintain various tools that are essential for our workflow automation solutions. By harnessing the power of Cloudron, we ensure that our clients benefit from a seamless experience, while we focus on delivering the best possible results.

Open-Source Tools We Love


Baserow is a flexible and user-friendly database tool that enables us to create, organize, and manage data efficiently. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and powerful customization options, Baserow helps us design and implement data-driven workflows for our clients.


n8n is a powerful workflow automation tool that allows us to create custom, event-driven processes by connecting various applications and services. With its vast array of integrations and user-friendly visual interface, n8n enables us to design and execute complex automation workflows with ease.


Nextcloud is a powerful, self-hosted file sharing and collaboration platform that we rely on for secure data storage and easy access to essential documents. With its robust features, including file synchronization, versioning, and end-to-end encryption, Nextcloud ensures that our team can collaborate effectively and securely.


Ghost is a modern, open-source publishing platform that we use for managing our blog and sharing valuable insights with our audience. With its clean design, fast performance, and excellent SEO capabilities, Ghost helps us deliver engaging and informative content to our readers.


Umami is a lightweight, open-source analytics tool that provides us with essential insights into our website's performance and visitor behavior. With its privacy-focused approach and easy-to-understand dashboard, Umami helps us optimize our web presence and deliver a better experience for our clients.


By leveraging Cloudron and its suite of open-source tools, ZenithFlow is able to provide exceptional workflow automation services to small and medium-sized businesses. The combination of powerful tools like Baserow, n8n, Ghost, Nextcloud, and Umami allows us to design, implement, and manage custom solutions that help our clients streamline their processes, save time, and unlock their full potential.

If you're ready to revolutionize your business and explore the benefits of workflow automation, contact us today!